Venakey Breathing & Meditation

Internal dialogue (talking internally to yourself) is a kind of talking by which people continuously review past, present and future of themselves and others; but mistakenly call it” thinking”, whereas these dialogues are too scattered, inconsistent, irrelevant, sickening and chaotic to be called thought; which no logical relation can be found among them. This internal dialogue scatters mental power and decreases awareness level as well as consuming a considerable amount of physical’s energy; and finally it disconnects the main attention of human being from environmental stimuli.
Venakey uses breathing methods and meditation to extinguish internal dialogue compulsorily by deceiving mind, and conduct body to its most relaxing possible state, by which mind and body become relaxed and go deep into a deeper state of mind.

Venakey, a way to hidden powers of human’s inside. Venakey, traveling in amazing world of enlightenment 



Inner Silence

Inner Peace

Venakey Group Breathing & Meditation sessions

In Venakey California we learn and practice several Venakey breathing methods to achieve inner silence. Active and passive meditation techniques help to devour in amazing world of enlightenment. Group meditation sessions are held to guide you through your journey to enlightenment.

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